Jan 25, 2025  
2018-2019 Catalog 
2018-2019 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Graduate Academic Policies

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This page contains information on policies, procedures, and regulations that are specific to graduate study at Columbia College Chicago. Students should check with their individual programs for program-specific policies, procedures, and regulations that may be more restrictive than those that apply to all graduate programs. This page is the authority for college-wide policies and procedures. Where a variance occurs with publications from individual programs–other than more restrictive departmental policies–this page should be considered authoritative.

Graduate students are also subject to college-wide policies that may be found in the college’s student handbook. It is the student’s responsibility to be aware of all policies, procedures, and regulations that apply to his/her program of study and the college as a whole.

Columbia College Chicago reserves the right to change, amend, modify, or cancel without notice, the statements on this page.

Degree Descriptions

The following requirements apply to all master’s degree programs. Individual graduate programs may have additional requirements or more restrictive regulations. Students should consult with their program handbook or website.

  • The Master of Arts (MA) degree programs guide and support artists and educators who wish to develop advanced knowledge of a specific field of study or area of professional practice by deepening their understanding of theory, history, technique, and creative practice. Students learn to integrate various aspects of their discipline, while matriculating in these programs, which culminate in a thesis or practicum experience that could lead to professional pathways or entry into further graduate education or scholarship. The degree consists of at least 30 credit hours at the graduate level.
  • The Master of Fine Arts (MFA) degree programs guide students in theory and artistic practice while emphasizing the development of a student’s unique perspective. Students undertake creative and technical studies, build strong portfolios, engage in collaborative projects, and develop vital professional connections. Students will complete a culminating project which, depending upon the department, may be a thesis or practicum experience. The MFA is a terminal degree consisting of at least 34 credit hours at the graduate level, in accordance with accrediting bodies or discipline-specific best practices.
  • The Master of Arts Management (MAM) degree program prepares students for managerial and entrepreneurial careers in the fields of art, entertainment, and media. Along with the theoretical and practical study of the marketing, legal, financial, organizational, leadership, and strategic concepts that accompany these fields, the curriculum allows students to choose elective management courses in live and performing arts, visual arts, music business, media management, and entrepreneurship. Students should acquire the skills needed to lead and manage a for-profit or non-profit arts organization, or launch their own. The degree consists of at least 48 credit hours at the graduate level.
Degree Requirements
  • For degrees requiring 40 credits or fewer, no more than six credits of independent project enrollment may be applied toward fulfillment of degree requirements. For degrees requiring 41 credits or more, no more than 12 credits may be applied.
  • Candidates for master’s degrees and graduate certificates must maintain a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.0 (B) in graduate course work.
  • No more than six credit hours of course work with a grade of 2.0 (C) may be applied toward a graduate degree or certificate.
  • Courses with a grade lower than 2.0 (C) are not applied toward the fulfillment of degree requirements; however, the grades are included in the calculation of the cumulative grade point average (GPA).
  • All candidates for master’s degrees in programs that require completion of a thesis or thesis project (collectively “thesis”) must submit and have approved an acceptable final thesis.
  • Students working on their thesis must maintain continuous fall and spring registration in Thesis.


Program Credit Hours Required for Completion

Maximum Timeframe Attempted Credit Hours

Maximum Years

MFA Range



 5 Years

MFA Range w/ Thesis



 7 Years

MA Range w/ Thesis



 7 Years

MA Range



 5 Years

MA Range



 4 Years




 3 Years




 5 Years

  • If a student does not complete the degree within the prescribed time limit, the degree will not be awarded. Students who wish to request an extension of time to complete the degree beyond the maximum time limit must submit, in writing, a petition for exception to this policy. The petition should be submitted electronically to the director of the graduate program in which the student is or was enrolled, and must be approved by the program director, the department chair, and the dean of graduate studies. If the petition for exception is approved, the program may require that courses be retaken. The original grades for any retaken courses are not replaced, but appear on the academic record along with the “retake” course grade and are included in the calculation of the cumulative grade point average. If a petition for exception is granted to a student who has interrupted their studies for more than one semester, the student must complete the applicable degree requirements for the current catalog year.

Course Loads

All degree-seeking graduate students are expected to maintain at least part-time status (six graduate credit hours) each fall and spring semester they are registered–the only exception being when a student is enrolled in Thesis.

Full-time graduate enrollment for fall and spring semester requires nine to 12 graduate credit hours each semester. Full-time graduate enrollment for the summer session requires five graduate credit hours. Students holding a graduate assistantship must be enrolled full time during the semester(s) for which the assistantship is awarded.

In some programs, the program director may permit a student to enroll for more than 12 credit hours. Some programs require a summer bridge session for incoming students. In these programs, the number of credit hours in the first fall semester will be greater than 12. Students in these programs should consult with Student Financial Services (SFS) to determine the effect this will have on their financial aid.

Part-time graduate students enroll for a minimum of six graduate credit hours in each fall and spring semester until they have completed the course work requirements of their degree program. Some programs do not permit part-time registration.

Enrollment in the summer session or J-Session is optional for most departments and carries no minimum credit hour requirement. However, in order to be eligible for financial aid in the summer session, a student must be enrolled in a minimum of three graduate credit hours–the only exception being when a student is enrolled in Thesis.

Students who wish to waive the minimum credit requirement for a particular semester must submit a request in writing to the program director prior to registration. The request must include a curricular plan that ensures degree completion within the maximum time limit. Approval of such a request is not automatic and will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Students who wish to drop or withdraw from one or more courses after registration, thereby decreasing their enrollment below the six-credit minimum, must also submit a request for waiver, along with a curricular plan, to the program director. Such a request will be approved or denied according to the same criteria as a request made prior to registration.

Approval of a waiver request may preclude any future waiver. In addition, a waiver of the minimum credit requirement may adversely affect a subsequent request for a leave of absence. A student who has been placed on probation may not request a waiver for the probationary semester.

Students should be aware that an enrollment of less than six credit hours may affect their eligibility for financial aid. Before dropping or withdrawing from any courses, students should seek advice from Student Financial Services about the impact on their financial aid.

Candidacy and Status Reviews

Some graduate programs require periodic reviews of student achievement at specific points in their program of study. In MFA programs, this typically involves a review of student work (a “candidacy review”) prior to the commencement of the thesis. Some programs also review students at either the completion of their first semester or first year of study, however, such a review may take place at any time. A student who does not successfully pass such an assessment may be placed on probation until they make a suitable adjustment, or may be dismissed from the program. Any student who is placed on probation or dismissed from the program as a result of such a review will be notified in writing by the director of the program. The department chair, associate dean of graduate studies, and the registrar will also be notified.

Master’s Thesis

For all of Columbia’s graduate programs that require the completion of a thesis or thesis project (collectively, “thesis”), a description of the nature, scope, and format of the thesis for each program appears in departmental publications along with a summary of the departmental procedures for submission, review, and (if required) revision and resubmission.

Except as otherwise specified in departmental publications, each master’s thesis is reviewed departmentally by a thesis committee. The thesis committee will consist of the thesis advisor and at least one other member. The thesis advisor will serve as chair of the thesis committee. The other committee member(s) will be chosen as specified in departmental publications. The student may request a member from outside the department or program to serve on the committee, subject to the approval of the graduate program director.

At the close of a semester of thesis registration, the thesis advisor awards a grade of S (satisfactory progress) or U (unsatisfactory progress), whether or not the thesis has been completed. A student who has not completed the thesis by the close of the semester must register for the next semester or term for at least one credit of Thesis before the thesis can be submitted for final review. A grade of S earns credits in progress toward a thesis but is not included in the calculation of the grade point average; a grade of U does not earn credit and is not included in the calculation of the grade point average.

A student who earns a U in Thesis may not enroll in Thesis or Thesis Continuance in a subsequent semester unless they receive written permission to do so from the program director.

Some graduate programs require a thesis defense. This defense must be completed successfully before a student receives their degree.

In some programs, students who have enrolled in Thesis for the maximum number of times may, with permission of the graduate program director, enroll in a thesis course for 0 credit (“0 Credit Thesis”). Students who have enrolled in Thesis for the maximum number of times permitted by their program and have still not completed their thesis should consult with their program director regarding this possibility. Students enrolled in 0 Credit Thesis are actively engaged in thesis research under the supervision of a thesis advisor, and thus are in compliance with the continuous thesis enrollment policy.

Grading Policies

Columbia College Chicago uses a 4.0 scale to calculate the cumulative grade point average. Individual graduate programs vary in the awarding of pluses and minuses. Students should consult with their programs for program-specific grading policies. 




Grade Points Awarded















Above Average




















Below Average












In Progress








No Grade




Satisfactory Progress




Unsatisfactory Progress


Grades of S and U can only be awarded for internship and thesis courses. P/F (Pass/Fail) grades cannot be awarded for graduate courses.

Incomplete (I) Grade

  • A graduate student whose performance in a course has been satisfactory and who finds, due to extraordinary and unforeseeable circumstances, that they are unable to complete one or more course requirements by the close of the term, may request a grade of incomplete (I). Incomplete grades are not included in a student’s grade point average calculation, but are considered in the completion rate and maximum time frame calculations. Students must apply for an incomplete grade and their request may be approved or denied by the college. The award of an incomplete grade is not automatic. It requires consultation between the student and instructor and commits each of them to a specific agreement concerning the submission of the outstanding course work. The incomplete grade may be issued when a student makes definite arrangements with the instructor to complete course work outside of class after the course ends. All requests for an incomplete grade must be submitted during the semester in which the incomplete grade is requested. If medical excuses are part of the student’s documentation for requesting an incomplete grade, these must be submitted during the semester in which the incomplete is requested. A student may not complete the work for a course in which an incomplete grade was received by enrolling in or attending the same class in the next semester.

An incomplete grade can only be issued for a graduate student who has met one of the following criteria:

  1. The student has successfully completed all course requirements to date but is faced with unexpected circumstances during the final weeks of the semester, resulting in the inability to complete course requirements by the end of the semester. The student must have, in the instructor’s estimation, the ability to complete missed coursework outside of class by the end of the eighth week of the following semester. The instructor must agree to evaluate the student’s work and replace the incomplete grade before the end of the following semester. A student-faculty agreement, specifying work to be completed and a due date, must be signed by both instructor and student and approved by the department chair. Approval of a request for an incomplete should be on file no later than the last day of the semester. In the event an instructor is no longer employed by the college, a program director or department chair can evaluate the work and assign the course grade.
  2. An external supervisor for an internship has failed to submit a final report and grade recommendation by the deadline for grade submission. The internship coordinator or program director is responsible for obtaining the final evaluation and submitting a letter grade to replace the incomplete grade by the eighth week of the following semester. In the event the external supervisor for an Internship does not submit a final report and grade recommendation, the program director or department chair can evaluate the work and assign the course grade.

Incompletes in spring must be cleared no later than the end of the following summer session; fall incompletes must be cleared in spring; summer, in fall; and J-Session in spring. A leave of absence or failure to enroll in the next academic term does not extend this deadline.

An incomplete grade which is not cleared at the end of the following term will automatically convert to an F.

A student who is on academic probation may not receive an incomplete grade for the probationary semester (see Probation). 

Withdrawal (W) from Course(s)

Withdrawal from a course is only permitted at certain times. Please check with the Office of the Registrar for detailed information regarding withdrawal dates and deadlines. For each such course, a grade of W is entered on the student’s academic record. Courses with a grade of W do not earn credit and are not included in the calculation of the grade point average (see Course Loads).

After the withdrawal period has passed and, if discontinuation of a course is dictated by circumstances beyond the student’s control, the grade of incomplete may be appropriate (see Incomplete Grade). Otherwise, the instructor will assign a course grade based upon the amount and quality of work completed prior to discontinuation, which may be an F.

If the withdrawal period has passed, and the instructor does not agree to a grade of incomplete, the student may file a petition for administrative withdrawal with the Student Financial Services Office. If this petition is granted, the grade of W will appear on the student’s transcript for each course from which a withdrawal was requested. If this petition is not granted, a grade of F will appear on the student’s transcript for each course from which a withdrawal was requested.

Students who are planning to withdraw from course work should discuss their decision with the program director and Student Financial Services. It is the student’s responsibility to make sure they have met all withdrawal requirements and to be aware of any consequences, financial or otherwise, associated with the decision to withdraw. It is especially important that international graduate students also meet with the director of international student affairs to learn how their decision may affect their status (see also Withdrawal from Program).

Change of Grade

All grade changes must be initiated by the instructor in whose course the original grade was awarded, or by the department chair or associate dean in cases of appeal. The request for a grade change must be submitted by the end of the semester following the term for which the original grade was awarded. Grade changes are approved by the department chair and then confirmed by the associate dean of the school in which the department is housed. A change of grade usually results from one of the circumstances listed below.

  • Removal of an incomplete grade following completion of outstanding requirements.
  • Discovery of a posting error.
  • Discovery of a violation of academic integrity.
  • Reconsideration following an appeal.

Course Credit, Course Transfer and Academic Records

A graduate student seeking transfer credit must submit a written request to the program director along with an official transcript showing the course(s) in question. If the request is approved at the departmental level, a written recommendation of transfer credit is then forwarded to the associate dean of graduate studies for approval. If approved, the student, the program director, and the registrar are notified in writing and the change is made to the student’s academic record. To be eligible for transfer, course work must meet the following criteria:

  • Courses must have been taken at a regionally accredited institution.
  • Courses must have been taken for graduate credit.
  • Student must have earned a grade of B (3.0) or equivalent on a numerical scale.
  • Credits earned have not already been applied toward the completion of a previous degree.
  • Course work must have been completed not more than five years before the student’s first semester of graduate study at Columbia.
  • Some departments do not allow transfer of credit for required courses.

The total of all hours earned through transfer and credit-by-examination may not exceed six credits in programs requiring 40 credits or fewer or 12 credits in programs requiring 41 credits or more.

Transfer credit is applied only toward credits earned and does not affect the cumulative grade point average.

Transfer credit evaluations are conducted only for admitted graduate students. While some preliminary transfer credit evaluation may be possible for prospective students, it is at the discretion of the graduate program, and it is not official or binding.

Credit by Examination

Graduate students may also request the award of credit by examination in lieu of enrolling for some Columbia courses. The request must be made at the outset of the student’s program and be approved by the program director. The examination is generally administered by the regular instructor of the course in question.

The results of the examination, including a grade, are submitted to the program director for final approval. Credit by examination will only be approved if the student earns a grade of 3.0 (B) or higher. If credit by examination is approved, the course title, number and credits are then submitted to the registrar along with the name of the examining instructor for entry onto the student’s academic record. Student Financial Services prepares the appropriate statement of charges (equal to the current tuition rate per credit hour multiplied by the number of credit hours earned) for each posting of credits.

Credit by examination earns credit toward completion of degree requirements but is not included in the calculation of the cumulative grade point average. A total of all hours earned through transfer credit and credit by examination may not exceed six credit hours for programs requiring 40 credit hours or fewer or 12 credit hours for programs requiring 41 credit hours or more.

Internal Transfer

Graduate students may study in and earn credit toward only one Columbia graduate degree at a time. In the instance of program change within Columbia, the college does not specify a limit on the number of credit hours that can be transferred. Instead, such internal transfers are handled on a case-by-case basis by the programs involved, in consultation with the dean of graduate studies. 

Students who have completed a graduate degree at Columbia cannot apply credit hours and grades earned while enrolled in that degree to another Columbia graduate degree.

A graduate student who wishes to transfer from one program to another must submit the following to the Office of Graduate Admissions by the appropriate application deadline:

  • A letter of intent addressed to the director of graduate admissions.
  • A new application form for the new program.
  • Any supplemental materials, such as documents, work samples, etc., required by the new program.

Such students must follow the regular guidelines and deadlines as outlined in the admission instructions. These students will be reviewed for admission along with other applicants for that cycle.  If the student is admitted to the program to which they desire to transfer, the registrar, the associate dean of graduate studies, and the director of the program from which the student transferred are notified by the director of graduate admissions.

The college does not permit transfer of credits from undergraduate courses, and undergraduate course work is not applicable toward fulfillment of the requirements of any graduate program. Students enrolled in any of Columbia’s graduate programs are not permitted to enroll in undergraduate courses at Columbia.

Course Waivers

Graduate credit is awarded only through regular enrollment, transfer credit, and credit by examination. Columbia does not offer course waivers or other exemptions, such as life experience, at the graduate level. Therefore, graduate students cannot receive credit by “placing out” of courses. However, the admissions committee of a graduate program may recommend waiving prerequisite undergraduate courses normally required for admission to that program.

Course Substitutions

When a required graduate course would essentially duplicate life experience or a course previously taken for undergraduate credit, a graduate student may request departmental approval to substitute the required course for another graduate course. Prior to the start of the semester, the student must petition the program director for approval to substitute the required course with another course in the program curriculum. If approved, a course substitution form is completed, and the registrar, department chair, and the associate dean of graduate studies are notified. The approval of a course substitution does not in any way reduce the credit requirements for earning a graduate degree. Some departments do not allow substitution of required courses.

Dropping Courses

After registration, a student wishing to drop one or more courses must complete the drop process online. Students wishing to drop one or more courses should consult the Office of the Registrar for details regarding drop dates and deadlines. Courses dropped by the applicable deadline will not appear on the student’s academic record. Students should also consult with Student Financial Services concerning the effect that dropping a course(s) may have on their financial aid eligibility.

Retaking Courses

Any course in which a W was assigned may be retaken for credit. Within limits established by individual programs, certain courses required for the degree may be taken for credit more than once. The original grade for the course is not replaced. Both the original grade and the “retake” course grade appear on the academic record and are included in calculation of the cumulative grade point average.

Before a student decides to retake a course, they should first consult with a faculty advisor or the program director to determine whether such a decision would affect their academic standing, and with Student Financial Services to determine whether such a decision would have an impact on their financial aid.


Official Columbia College Chicago transcripts are maintained by the Office of the Registrar. Students may request official transcripts online at colum.edu/registrar. Students must resolve all account holds before their transcripts will be released.

Student Standing

Leave of Absence

Graduate students may be granted a leave of absence, unconditional or conditional, for up to one full academic year (fall and spring semesters) upon the recommendation of the program director. In either case, an approved leave of absence does not extend the time limit for completion of degree requirements. In no case will a leave of absence be granted for more than one full academic year. All leaves must commence or resume at the beginning of a semester. A leave of absence cannot be taken mid-semester.

Spaces in graduate programs are limited, and a space may not be available when a student desires to return. If a student has left the program without an approved leave of absence or has been absent from the program for longer than the period for which leave was granted, they will need either written approval from the program director or official readmission based upon a new application form to resume study (see Resuming and Returning Students). In either case, the time limit for completion of the degree requirements will be calculated from the initial term of entry.

Unconditional leave may be granted to a student in good standing who has not previously taken a leave of absence and who has maintained the required minimum credit course load. The request must be submitted in writing to the program director at least six weeks prior to the first semester of absence. The request must state the reason why the student is requesting a leave and the period for which the leave is requested. At the close of the authorized period of leave, the student must contact the program director in writing, at least six weeks prior to the beginning of the semester in which the student wishes to resume study. A student who fails to resume study at the end of the period for which unconditional leave has been granted must make a written request for readmission to the program director, and may be required to reapply. Unconditional leave may be granted only once.

Conditional leave may be granted to a student who has been placed on academic probation in lieu of enrollment for the probationary semester. The request must be submitted in writing to the program director at least three weeks prior to the first semester of absence. If a conditional leave is granted, a letter of approval from the program director will specify the conditions that must be met prior to resumption of study. These conditions will include, but are not necessarily limited to, the conversion of any outstanding incomplete grades to a grade of 3.0 (B) or better. For a student who has been granted a conditional leave, the probationary semester will be the semester following the semester for which conditional leave was granted. A student who fails to meet the conditions specified in the conditional leave, or who does not resume study following the conditional leave, will be dismissed from the program. Conditional leave may be granted only once.

In the case of any instance of leave, or resuming study after a leave, the department chair, the associate dean of graduate studies, and the registrar are notified in writing by the program director.

Withdrawal from Program

Applicants who have accepted an offer of admission but have not yet registered for classes may withdraw from the program by canceling their confirmation of intention to enroll. Applicants should do this by contacting the director of graduate admissions before the beginning of the originally intended term of study.

Applicants who have accepted an offer of admission and have registered for classes must notify the director of graduate admissions and the program director in writing of their intent to withdraw from the graduate program to which they have been admitted, and must drop all the classes for which they have registered.

Continuing students who wish to withdraw from their program of study must notify their program director in writing. The program director will notify the department chair, the associate dean of graduate studies and the registrar in writing of any student who has withdrawn. Whenever possible, withdrawals should not be requested mid-term, but the college acknowledges that in certain extenuating circumstances students may be required to do so.

If the withdrawal period is still open, the student must withdraw from all courses. If a student fails to withdraw from their courses, a grade of F will appear for each course. If the withdrawal period has passed, the student may file a petition for administrative (late) withdrawal with the Student Financial Services offices. If this petition is granted, a grade of W will appear for each course for which the withdrawal was requested. If this petition is not granted, a grade of F will appear for each course.

Students who drop or withdraw from all course work during their first term of graduate enrollment will not have established graduate standing and may be required to reapply. If a subsequent application for readmission is approved, calculation of the time limit for completion of degree requirements will begin with the new term of entry (see Degree Requirements).

In any case of drop or withdrawal, it is the student’s responsibility to work with Student Financial Services to determine the implications of their drop or withdrawal, and to resolve any outstanding balances.

Academic Probation

A student whose progress in a graduate program fails to meet minimum academic standards is placed on academic probation for the following fall or spring semester. A student who is on probation will be notified in writing by the registrar. The program director, department chair, and the associate dean of graduate studies are also notified by the registrar of any student on probation.

The following requirements apply to all graduate students. Individual graduate programs may have additional, more restrictive, requirements.

  • A student who earns a semester grade point average of 2.5 or less in any term (fall, spring, or summer) is placed on probation for the next regular semester (fall or spring).
  • A student whose cumulative grade point average falls below 3.0 for two consecutive academic terms is placed on probation for the following fall or spring semester.
  • Regardless of grade point average, a student whose cumulative academic record shows two grades less than 3.0 (B) (totaling six credits or more) is placed on probation for the fall or spring semester following the semester in which the second grade is earned.

In matters relating to academic probation, the summer session is treated differently from the fall and spring semesters. Poor performance in the summer session may result in placement on probation; however, since summer enrollment is optional for most programs, the summer session is not calculated as a probationary term for students whose spring semester performance results in probation. For such students, the following fall semester is the term of probation.

Academic probation does not preclude continued enrollment in graduate study. It does attach the following two conditions to enrollment:

  • The student must earn at least a 3.0 (B) in all courses attempted during the probationary semester.
  • An incomplete grade will not be granted for any course attempted during the probationary semester.

A student who meets these conditions is automatically restored to good standing at the close of the probationary semester. A student who has returned to good standing will be notified in writing by the registrar. The program director, department chair, and the associate dean of graduate studies are also notified by the registrar when a student returns to good standing.

A student who fails to meet these conditions will be dismissed from the graduate program.

A student may be placed on probation only once. If the academic performance of a student who has been previously placed on probation and returned to good standing again fails to meet minimum academic standards, the student will be dismissed from the program.

Note: Students should consult the Student Financial Services website for policies regarding satisfactory academic progress (SAP) and financial aid eligibility. 

Academic Dismissal

A student who has been placed on academic probation and fails to successfully meet the conditions of that probation will be dismissed from the program. A student who has been dismissed will be notified in writing by the registrar.

Following academic dismissal, a student is not eligible for readmission to any of Columbia’s graduate programs.

The program director, department chair, and associate dean of graduate studies are notified by the registrar of the academic dismissal of any student.

Dismissal for Non-academic Reasons

A student whose behavior is inconsistent with the college’s code of conduct may be dismissed summarily by the graduate dean or another member of the college’s senior administration (see, Sections 4 and 5 of the college’s Code of Student Conduct for student rights and responsibilities). The associate dean of graduate studies, the department chair, the program director, and the registrar, are notified, in writing, of the non-academic dismissal of any student.

Resuming and Returning Students

Within Degree Completion Time Limit

Students who are within the time limit for completion of the graduate program in which they matriculated and have interrupted their studies for one full academic year or longer without being granted an official leave of absence or did not resume study at the end of an approved leave (see Leave of Absence), will be withdrawn from the program. Such students must submit a written request for readmission to the director of the program. The written request must include an explanation of their absence from the program and must be made at least six weeks prior to the start of the term in question. The program director will notify the student in writing of his or her decision regarding readmission at least three weeks prior to the start of the term in question. The department chair, the associate dean of graduate studies, and the registrar will be notified in writing of the program director’s decision. If the request for readmission is granted, the student must meet with the program director prior to registering to discuss required coursework and develop a written plan for timely graduation. Any graduate assistantships, scholarships, fellowships, etc., awarded at the time of matriculation will not carry forward.

Outside Degree Completion Time Limit

Students who have exceeded the time limit for completion of the graduate program in which they matriculated and have interrupted their studies for one full academic year or longer (regardless of whether they have received an official leave of absence) will be withdrawn from the program. Such students must submit a written petition for exception to the time limit for program completion to the director of the program in which they matriculated. The petition must be submitted at least six weeks prior to the term in question. The petition must be approved by the program director, the department chair, and the dean of graduate studies. The dean of graduate studies will notify the student in writing of his or her decision at least three weeks prior to the start of the term in question. The program director, the department chair, the associate dean of graduate studies, and the registrar will be notified in writing of the decision of the dean of graduate studies. If the petition for exception is granted, the student must meet with the program director prior to registering to discuss required coursework and develop a written plan for timely graduation. The current catalog year requirements will apply. Any graduate assistantships, scholarships, fellowships, etc., awarded at the time of matriculation will not carry forward.

Appeals Procedures

Academic Appeals

Graduate students may appeal for review of any academic decision. Grade change requests for graduate students are handled in the same manner as grade change requests for undergraduate students (see Change of Grade).   

For all other academic appeals (e.g. leave of absence or readmission), a written petition must be submitted by the student to the graduate dean. The decision of the graduate dean is final. Written notification of the graduate dean’s decision is sent to the student with a copy to the department chair, the registrar, and the student’s academic record. This closes the appeal process.

Non-Academic Appeals

Graduate students may appeal non-academic, administrative decisions (e.g. late withdrawals or refunds of tuition) by submitting a written petition to the vice president of student affairs with copies to the program director, the department chair, and the associate dean of graduate studies. The vice president of student affairs will, in consultation with the graduate dean’s office and the department, review and research the case and will either approve or deny the appeal.  Written notification of the decision of the vice president of student affairs is sent to the student with copies to the program director, the department chair, the associate dean of graduate studies, the registrar, and the student’s academic record. This closes the appeals process.

Graduation Procedures

There are two required forms that must be submitted by students completing their graduate degrees: the graduation application and, where applicable, the thesis acceptance form. The graduation application is completed online by the student. The thesis acceptance form is completed by the program and sent to the Office of the Registrar once the thesis has been approved.

Assessment of the Graduation Fee

Columbia College Chicago assesses a modest graduation fee to help defray the costs of graduation-related expenses. These include but are not limited to diploma printing and mailing, degree audit maintenance and evaluation, and commencement ceremony and regalia. 

Degree-seeking graduate students are assessed the graduation fee once upon completion of the graduation application.

The $175 graduation fee is nonrefundable. 

Policy Administration

All questions concerning the administration of these policies should be forwarded to the dean of graduate studies.

Gainful Employment Disclosure

To view Columbia’s Gainful Employment disclosure for graduate certificate programs:

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