Jan 14, 2025
CRWR 217 Manuscript Preparation for Writers Course teaches students how to prepare final manuscripts. While students will consider the development of manuscript conventions and writing industry standards, they will also compare and contrast how other writers (such as Faulkner, Fitzgerald, and others) have prepared their manuscripts, based on their vision of the final product and its impact on various audiences. Students will learn to give close attention to issues regarding the relationship between story content and the important role of style, punctuation, usage, and the many ways in which the visual appearance and impact of a manuscript’s features (chapters, sections, breaks, etc.) affect not only the way in which the work is received by readers, editors, and publishers, but also how layout/setup affects the manipulation of time, movement, and dramatic impact.
Repeatable: N Formerly 59-2450J Minimum Credits 2 Maximum Credits 2
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