Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this Columbia College Chicago Catalog; however, the Catalog is not a contract but rather a guide for the convenience of students. Columbia College Chicago reserves the right to change or withdraw courses; to change the fees, rules, and calendar for admission, registration, instruction, and graduation; and to change any of its policies or other provisions listed in the Catalog at any time.
This course is a workshop that explores basic writing methods for cinema and television, further developing the students’ skills in presenting their ideas in written form. Students will develop craft skills basic to scriptwriting: research, story development, scene and story structure, dialogue, and character definition. Emphasis is on finding visual equivalents for human emotions and developing the writer’s personal vision. This work culminates in developing three short narrative scripts (one of which will be rewritten). Instrumental in the development of the student as a writer is the ability to read and effectively respond to the work of their peers.