Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this Columbia College Chicago Catalog; however, the Catalog is not a contract but rather a guide for the convenience of students. Columbia College Chicago reserves the right to change or withdraw courses; to change the fees, rules, and calendar for admission, registration, instruction, and graduation; and to change any of its policies or other provisions listed in the Catalog at any time.
Advanced workshop course requires that students serve as staff writers for the Columbia College television series, Windows. Windows is a half-hour show consisting of six short (five-minute) segments that share a common theme. For each of the six segments, all writers will submit individual first drafts; half of those will be chosen by the writers to go to a second draft. The second drafts will be pitched to the executive producer, who will choose one script to go to a polished final draft. All phases of individual and collaborative writing, from concept development to finished script, will be experienced in this intensive course.