2018-2019 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Fiction, BFA
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As a result of successfully completing program requirements, students should be able to:
- demonstrate a familiarity with the common language of the discipline of fiction writing;
- use a variety of narrative techniques, written forms, and revision strategies to create effective fiction;
- demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between effective reading and effective writing;
- demonstrate a familiarity with how open fiction is to new modes of expression;
- perform reasonably close readings of works of fiction by analyzing relevant literary elements in fiction (narrative techniques, themes, forms/subgenres, stylistic choices, or other literary devices common to fiction) and making appropriate reference to relevant texts and contexts;
- demonstrate knowledge of the literary marketplace and processes crucial to publishing their writing;
- demonstrate a meaningful ability to participate in contemporary conversations on social and cultural change;
- apply creative problem solving, effective written and oral communications, and critical thinking to their preparation for graduate studies, writing-related careers, and other professions;
- assemble a Writer’s Portfolio which shows evidence of understanding of purpose, originality of conception, engaging subject matter, developed technique, and is of publishable quality and professional in appearance;
- demonstrate knowledge of the literary marketplace and processes crucial to publishing their writing; and
- exhibit a sound understanding of related theory and practice in a BFA thesis of publishable and professional quality.