Mar 12, 2025
24-3501 Topics in Cinema: Narrative Topics in Cinema Narrative Structure: Each semester, this course will concentrate on a different style or structure of cinematic narrative. For example, a course can be constructed to study one of the following topics:1) Traditional Linear Narrative (classic Hollywood model)2) Non-linear Narrative (i.e., Memento, Hiroshima Mon Amour, etc.)3) Fractured Narrative (i.e., Schizopolis, Jubilee, Inland Empire, etc.)4) Character-based POV (i.e., Goodfellas, Blow-Up, Rashomon, etc.)5) Mixed Mode Narrative (Battle of Algiers, This is Spinal Tap, Who Framed Roger Rabbit, etc.)6) Long form Narrative (Apu, Fanny, The Godfather, Lord of the rings, The Matrix, etc.)
3 Credits
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