Mar 02, 2025
22-2130 American Art, 1840-1940 This course covers major trends in American art and how they are interpreted in painting, sculpture, architecture, and the decorative arts. Topics include Luminism, Heroism, Mysticism, Symbolism, the Columbian World Exposition, Impressionism, the Armory Show, Cubism, the Ashcan School, Regionalism, Surrealism, and the New Realism.
3 Credits WI Requisites PREREQUISITES: 22-1101 History of Art I: Stone Age to Gothic and and 52-1112 Writing and Rhetoric - Enhanced II or 22-1101 History of Art I: Stone Age to Gothic and 22-1102 History of Art II: Renaissance to Modern and 52-1122 Writing and Rhetoric II for Non-Native Speakers of English or 22-1101 History of Art I: Stone Age to Gothic and 22-1102 History of Art II: Renaissance to Modern and 52-1162 Writing and Rhetoric II- Service Learning or 22-1101 History of Art I: Stone Age to Gothic and 22-1102 History of Art II: Renaissance to Modern
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