Jan 15, 2025
THEA 606 Movement Analysis II As a core element of the first year of training at LISPA, the work of this unit is designed to enable the student to develop an understanding of movement analysis based on the pedagogy of Jacques Lecoq and to apply this knowledge to the demands of creating, devising, teaching and directing contemporary theatre and performance. Work on this unit analyses the relationship between the natural movements of life, as they can be observed, and their application to dramatic and post dramatic visions of theatre and performance. Through the physical exploration and analysis of everyday movements the student will gain a more profound understanding of those essential movement laws which structure natural life. The student will be introduced to the transposition of natural movements to dramatic e-motion, allowing at a later stage of the training for an autonomous, creative use of this understanding for devising, writing, directing and performing.
Repeatable: N Formerly 31-6335LSP Prerequisites THEA 605 Movement Analysis I Theatre MFA only (G310) Minimum Credits 2 Maximum Credits 2
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