Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this Columbia College Chicago Catalog; however, the Catalog is not a contract but rather a guide for the convenience of students. Columbia College Chicago reserves the right to change or withdraw courses; to change the fees, rules, and calendar for admission, registration, instruction, and graduation; and to change any of its policies or other provisions listed in the Catalog at any time.
In this advanced workshop, students will serve as writers for a departmentally produced narrative television pilot (network/cable series, web series, or online TV series). In the fall semester, the writing students will develop, pitch and write their own original ½ hour pilot script. All scripts will be work-shopped and read aloud weekly in a writer’s table story conference procedure. At the end of the fall semester, one of these pilot scripts will be chosen for production in the spring semester. Although only one will be produced, all students will complete and polish an original series pilot as a portfolio piece or to be entered into script competitions.