Feb 05, 2025
SOSC 201 Pedagogy and Theatre of the Oppressed: An Introduction This course focuses on forms of power that are often hidden in schools and are connected to other institutional structures such as governments and businesses. Because this undemocratic use of power is so prevalent, usually through school and government policies and practices, people often become accustomed to that which is unfair or inequitable. This course will uncover and name those causes of school-based marginalization such as race, economics, and biased curriculum, and learn how to resist them through Pedagogy of the Oppressed and Theatre of the Oppressed. As the course proceeds, it will apply these concepts to current concerns of Chicago, the United States, and international regions.
Repeatable: N Prerequisites ENGL 112 Writing and Rhetoric II or ENGL 112H Writing and Rhetoric II: Honors or ENGL 122 International Writing and Rhetoric II or TWC-T-7 EXAM-TWC WRITING MINIMUM SCORE = 7 Minimum Credits 3 Maximum Credits 3
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